About Us
Making the World a Better Place For All of Us
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Our Projects

Our Story
Ignite is a collaborative partnership program through which young people within communities are trained to discover and live their true potential in situ.
Pastor Charles, Pastor Emmanuel and Tegha arrived Ghana on the LITC Reach program were received by Footprints365 under the distinguished patronage of Dorothy Gyebi-Ababio. The program location in Bukoruwa village, Kwehu East District, Eastern Region. We have been introduced to the wonderful work Footprints365 has done since its establishment in 2011. We have also had the opportunity to interact within the communities that they work within.
Through several days of discussions on what the theme of the program should be, we decided from the start that it was vital to build upon the foundation set already by footprints. Footprint365 is a charity established in Ghana to empower young people. Footprints have operated for over 11 years and have been able to train …. In ….. to establish their mission to empower children and youth people through education and training.
The next thing we considered is the skills set of the team, Pastor Charles and Pastor Emma have had extensive experience working with young people and Tegha has experience designing and delivering empowerment programs in London and in Cameroon.
We have also Listened to the community and also considering various sinister events surrounding this program and we are convinced that our work here is to ignite the potentials of young people to be able to live their full potential.
Vision & Mission
To ignite the potential of individuals to be able to transform themselves and their community.
To achieve this we will engage, equip and empower them through informal education and training programs.
Our Objectives
The general objective of the Ignite initiative is to encourage young people to participate in
Short term objectives:
We want to reach a 1000 young people in Kwahu East District within the year.
Create an Ignite club in the all secondary (both Junior and Senior)- Club program to be designed.
Raise and train 50 mentors and team leaders. (training to be design)
Support the running of an informal learning outside the classroom using football in all 22 electoral areas. (Using Coaching Across Continent- CAC Curriculum)
Have a farm somewhere around BoruKuwa (BK) where young people can practice and
Convert the computer hall into a cyber café